Professional project migration

Comprehensive data and system migration with minimal risk.

We ensure a seamless transition, preserving all functionalities and enhancing your project's efficiency.





  • Expertise

    Professional specialists with deep knowledge and experience in project migration.

  • Security

    Maximum protection of data and applications during and after the transition.

  • Efficiency

    An optimized process minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition.

  • Reliability

    Guaranteed successful migration and uninterrupted operation of the project in the new environment.

In which cases professional project migration will be especially valuable

Integrated enterprise systems: organisations with complex enterprise systems often need to migrate their data and applications from old systems to new. Professional migration services can help ensure a smooth and secure transition.

E-commerce: online stores and other e-commerce platforms often handle vast amounts of data related to customers, products and transactions. Migrating this data to a new infrastructure can be a complex task that requires specialised skills.

Innovative start-ups: young companies aiming for rapid growth and development may face the need to migrate projects as they scale their services or move to more powerful and modern technologies.

In general, any company or organisation that deals with large volumes of data or relies on complex information systems can benefit from a professional project migration.

Stages of project migration to our infrastructure

  • Current infrastructure audit

    Our team will conduct a comprehensive audit of your current infrastructure to understand its current state and identify potential risks and improvements.

  • Strategy definition

    We develop a customised migration strategy based on your application requirements, with a focus on minimising the impact on application operations.

  • New infrastructure preparation

    Our specialists will configure servers, virtual machines or Docker containers to ensure the new environment meets your needs and expectations.

  • Testing the new environment

    We run extensive test scenarios to verify the functionality and performance of the new environment, with a focus on identifying and resolving any issues.

  • Data migration

    Our team will migrate your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases to the new infrastructure, ensuring data security, integrity and integration with applications.

  • Final adjustments

    We perform post-migration data integrity checks and optimise application performance to ensure smooth and efficient operation.

  • Traffic switching

    Our specialists configure DNS and ensure smooth traffic redirection to the new infrastructure, minimizing downtime and risks.

  • Monitoring and optimisation

    We provide ongoing monitoring of server and application performance, as well as additional tuning and optimisation to ensure maximum performance.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to our specialists!

  • And if on your own
  • Data loss or corruption: improper data migration can result in data loss or corruption. This can be caused by copying errors, inadequate data protection, or incompatibility between data formats on the source and target platforms.
  • Downtime and service unavailability: a poorly planned migration can result in service or application downtime. This can be caused by incomplete or incorrect pre-migration testing, which can lead to unexpected problems in the operation of the project.
  • Security and privacy: inadequate data protection during migration can result in confidential information being leaked or security protocols being breached. For example, improper configuration of data access or inadequate encryption can leave your project vulnerable to attack or unauthorised access.
  • Loss of performance: an improperly executed migration can result in a loss of performance for your project. This can be caused by insufficient infrastructure optimisation, inefficient use of resources or incorrect choice of platform for the new environment.
  • Lack of expertise and time: migrating a project independently requires significant effort, time and expertise. If your team lacks sufficient experience or knowledge in this area, going it alone may take much more time and resources than originally planned.
  • When professionals take over
  • Smooth transition: our hybrid infrastructure and cloud solutions offer unique capabilities, but moving to them can be complex. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to ensure your projects migrate seamlessly, maintaining functionality and performance.
  • Resource optimisation: moving to hybrid infrastructure or cloud solutions involves optimising resource utilisation. Our experts can help you determine the most efficient use of resources to ensure your project is running at peak performance while saving you money.
  • Data security: Moving to the cloud or virtual and dedicated servers requires special attention to data security. Our specialists will ensure maximum protection of your data in the new environment, minimising the risk of leakage or unauthorised access.
  • Support and maintenance: our team won't just help you with the migration - they'll continue to support your project afterwards. We'll provide full support and maintenance to ensure your business can continue to grow without interruption.
  • Professional project migration with the help of our specialists when moving to our servers or cloud guarantees a successful and safe transition of your project to a new technological environment.

Options for hosting your project on our infrastructure

Professional Project Migration Frequently Asked Questions

What is Professional Project Migration?
Professional project migration is the process of transferring applications, data and other resources from one infrastructure to another using specialised knowledge and skills to ensure the security, integrity and efficiency of the transition.
Why should I use professional migration services?
Professional specialists have experience and expertise in migration, which helps to minimise the risks associated with data loss, downtime and application failure, while ensuring that your project runs smoothly and efficiently after the transition.
What are the benefits of professional project migration?
Professional project migration ensures the security and integrity of your data, minimises downtime and application failures, optimises resource utilisation and ensures that your project continues to operate seamlessly after the transition.
How long will the project migration process take?
The time required to migrate a project depends on its size, complexity and other factors. Our team will provide you with a customised estimate of the time and resources required for a successful migration.

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