Public Cloud (IaaS)

Billing for cloud services (IaaS)

Here you will find information about the billing for "Public Cloud" resources.
For new users we recommend studying the prepared IaaS resource, as well as testing the cloud price calculator.

Billing model of cloud services

We use an hourly billing for the consumed resources. Thus if you launched a server (an instance) and deleted it after 2 hours, you would pay only for 2 hours of use. If the server works for a whole month, then you should pay for 720 hours (30 days * 24 hours).
It is important to take into account that a switched off server reserves the resource and that is why it is billed in full. Only when the server is deleted the billing is stopped. In order to maximize your gain due to the dynamic resource creation you need to separate the stored data and calculations.

The rendering of services is based on payment in advance. This means that you should pay in advance for the planned amount of consumed services and monitor the state of your personal account.
In your user account you will be able to monitor the consumed resource and see the forecast - how many days you have left for the paid resource. We will definitely remind you about this as the zero balance approaches.

In order to start using our services you need to replenish the account with an amount of at least $10. The amount of money on your account is transferred to the next month and cannot be lost.

Resources price

In a computing cloud you use resources, such as a disk, measured in GB. You can increase the disk as needed and this will increase the billing for disk only. The instances (servers) consist of 3 resources - the number of CPU cores, the amount of RAM and the size of the root disk. These 3 resources are billed separately.
Resources price
Resource Price per hour Price per month*
CPU core, joint 0.0035 USD 2.50 USD
1G RAM 0.0035 USD 2.50 USD
100GB standard block storage (up to 300 IOPS) 0.0083 USD 6.00 USD
100GB fast block storage (up to 3000 IOPS) 0.0278 USD 20.00 USD
100Gb object storage 0.0021 USD 1.50 USD
1000GB traffic 0.0042 USD 3.00 USD
1 public adress IPv4** 0.0028 USD 2.00 USD
* price per month is calculated based on 720 hours per month
** for each instance 1 free IP аdress is offered

Types of instances

If you want to create an instance (server), you can select one of the available types. The instance types are optimized for several types of tasks. So you can choose the appropriate type and size, or combine a different combination of types and different additional disks.
Standard instances (root disk on standard block storage)

An excellent correlation between price and quality. Ideal for small applications and simple tasks or just for tests.

Instance Name CPU RAM Disk Price per month Price per hour
basic1.xs 1 Core 1 Gb 20 Gb 6.20 USD 0.01 USD
basic1.s 1 Core 2 Gb 50 Gb 10.50 USD 0.01 USD
basic1.m 2 Cores 4 Gb 100 Gb 21.00 USD 0.03 USD
basic1.l 2 Cores 8 Gb 200 Gb 37.00 USD 0.05 USD
basic1.xl 4 Cores 16 Gb 400 Gb 74.00 USD 0.10 USD
basic1.xxl 8 Cores 32 Gb 600 Gb 136.00 USD 0.19 USD

IOPS optimized instances (root disk on fast block storage)

Disk storage optimized for a high level of IOPs. Ideal for tasks that are sensitive to the reading speed and data recording.

Instance Name CPU RAM Disk Price per month Price per hour
iops1.xs 1 Core 1 Gb 10 Gb 7.00 USD 0.01 USD
iops1.s 1 Core 2 Gb 20 Gb 11.50 USD 0.02 USD
iops1.m 2 Cores 4 Gb 40 Gb 23.00 USD 0.03 USD
iops1.l 2 Cores 8 Gb 80 Gb 41.00 USD 0.06 USD
iops1.xl 4 Cores 16 Gb 160 Gb 82.00 USD 0.11 USD
iops1.xxl 8 Cores 32 Gb 320 Gb 164.00 USD 0.23 USD

RAM optimized instances (root disk on standard block storage)

Instance Name CPU RAM Disk Price per month Price per hour
ram1.xs 1 Core 8 Gb 50 Gb 147.50 USD 0.20 USD
ram1.s 2 Cores 16 Gb 50 Gb 170.00 USD 0.24 USD
ram1.m 2 Cores 32 Gb 50 Gb 210.00 USD 0.29 USD
ram1.l 4 Cores 64 Gb 50 Gb 295.00 USD 0.41 USD
ram1.xl 8 Cores 128 Gb 50 Gb 465.00 USD 0.65 USD
ram1.xxl 16 Cores 256 Gb 50 Gb 805.00 USD 1.12 USD

VOLUME-based instances (there is no root disk, an additional disk is required to run)

Instance Name CPU RAM Disk Price per month Price per hour
volume1.xs 1 Core 1 Gb 0 Gb 5.00 USD 0.01 USD
volume1.s 1 Core 2 Gb 0 Gb 7.50 USD 0.01 USD
volume1.m 2 Cores 4 Gb 0 Gb 15.00 USD 0.02 USD
volume1.l 2 Cores 8 Gb 0 Gb 25.00 USD 0.03 USD
volume1.xl 4 Cores 16 Gb 0 Gb 50.00 USD 0.07 USD
volume1.xxl 8 Cores 32 Gb 0 Gb 100.00 USD 0.14 USD

Types of disks and data storage

root-диск - a disk on which the image of the operating system is deployed, can be increased only when performing an upgrade of the instance.
volume - a dynamically connected disk, can be increased regardless of the instance.

We do not use ephemeral storage. root and volume disks can be of two types - standard or iops, depending on the requirements for the number of input / output operations. Object storage - access via swift or ftp / http protocol cannot be used as block storage (connected as a disk to an instance).

Traffic and network resources

The incoming and outgoing traffic in the network is billed according to the rate of consumption together with the other resources. The traffic passing through the internal network (among instances) is not billed.

Within the network you can create personal networks (VLANs), manage their Internet connection and connect instances to them.

It is possible to reserve public IP addresses and assign/reassign them to instances.

Discount system

While calculating the billing there are applied discounts according to the amount of consumed resources.
Discount system
Resource Consumed amount Price per month Discount
CPU core 0 2.50 USD 0%
CPU core 36000 core/hours
(50 cores per month)
2.00 USD 20%
RAM, 1Gb 0 2.50 USD 0%
RAM, 1Gb 72000 Gb/hours
(100Gb per month)
2.00 USD 20%
100GB (standard storage) 0 6.00 USD 0%
100GB (standard storage) 1080 Tb/hours
(1,5Tb per month)
5.20 USD 13.3%
100GB (fast storage) 0 20.00 USD 0%
100GB (fast storage) 360 Tb/hours
(500Gb per month)
16.00 USD 20%
The discount is applied separately to each kind of consumed resource.
The discount is calculated again from every 1st day of the month.
For example: each of the 25 basic1.m instances (2c/4g/100g) for full 30 days will consume:
2 * 720 = 1440 core hours
4 * 720 = 2880 Gb-hours
100 * 720 = 72000 Gb-hours

25 instances all together will consume: 36000 core hours, 72000 Gb-hours (memory), 1.8 Tb–hours (disk), the discount will be applied to each of the three categories of resources.

How it is calculated the price for IaaS services

0 core(s)55 core(s)0102030405060708090100
0 Gb240 Gb04080160240320400
0 Gb13 000 Gb03 6007 20014 400
0 Gb5 000 Gb06001 2002 4004 800
0 Gb100 000 Gb030 00060 000120 000
0 IP55 IP020406080100
13 000 Gb06 00012 00024 000

Payment after a month

Public Cloud
CPU 2.000 USD x 55 core(s) = 110.00 USD
RAM 2.000 USD x 240 Gb = 480.00 USD
Hybrid HDD 0.052 USD x 13000 Gb = 676.00 USD
SSD 0.160 USD x 5000 Gb = 800.00 USD
Traffic 0.002 USD x 100000 Gb = 200.00 USD
Additional IPv4 2.000 USD x 55 IP = 110.00 USD
Object storage 0.015 USD x 13000 Gb = 195.00 USD
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