How to Integrate Domain DNS Zones with Foxcloud NS Servers

2 min.

Integrating Domain DNS Zones into the ISPmanager Control Panel

  1. Open the ISPmanager Control Panel.
  2. Go to the 'Sites'(1)  and click on 'Create Site' (2).

  3. Create a site by specifying the required parameters.
  4. Navigate to 'DNS Management' (1), select the required domain (2) and click on 'DNS Records' (3).

  5. Check the NS records.

    NS server and server location compatibility for ISPmanager:
    – and
  6. These same NS records must be specified at your domain registrar.

Integrating Domain DNS Zones into the Hestia Control Panel

  1. Open the Hestia Control Panel.
  2. Create a new user, fill in the required fields and save the changes.

  3. Go to the 'Users' (1), select the required user and log in as that user (2).

  4. Click the 'Add Web Domain' button.

  5. Fill in the 'Domain' field (1), select 'DNS support' (2) and 'Mail support' (3) if required, then save the changes (4).

  6. Go to the 'DNS' tab where you will see the list of domains with DNS zones.

  7. Click on 'DNS Records' to view the DNS zones. 

  8. Check the NS records.

    NS servers and server location compatibility for Hestia:
    – and
  9. These same NS records must be specified at your domain registrar.
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