Tag: Public Cloud

A useful feature of ownCloud is the compatibility of this application with third-party cloud services, such as Google Cloud, Amazone S3, Drobox, Yandex, Mail.ru cloud, Foxcloud object storage and others. Thus, ownCloud can be configured as a single point of access to disparated data banks in order to have quick access to archives and to view the file storage contents without downloading it We have configured FoxCloud Object Storage in order to connect this service to ownCloud, avoiding the laborious...
What is FoxCloud Storage FoxCloud Storage is an Openstack-based object storage that provides storage space to users and hardware services. FoxCloud Storage can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet.  What is a data container? A container is a way to store and organize data. It can be compared with your OS logical disks. In your Cloud Storage you can create as many containers as you like and attach any number of folders and files to a certain container. However, the container itself cannot be...
Cloud storage is a way of storing data on remote servers by accessing them via internet. Your data are not stored on a given server, but in a single "cloud" that comprises an unlimited number of servers. What is Cloud Storage? Разработано много типов интернет хранилищ для различных нужд и типов данных. Наиболее универсальной и удобной на сегодняшний день является технология объектного хранения. Именно она и используется в Облачном Хранилище FoxCloud. Nowadays there are many types of internet storages...
In order to transfer files from your computer to FoxCloud object storage you need to establish a connection between them. Such a connection is carried out via an FTP protocol,yes, you cfm and you can perform it by using Total Commander. Total Commander is a simple and universal program, it is a file manager. You can download it for free from the developer official website: Download Total Commander How to establish a connection via Total Commander 1) After downloading and running the program, in...
Another way to access the object storage editing is the free Cyberduck program  Download cyberduck   Establishing connection via Cyberduck Download the program and run it To create a new connection, after running the program, click the "Open Connection" button. In the "Open Connection" window fill in the required fields and click "ОК". You can save the password. The program will connect to server and you will see a folder with your container name on one of the tabs. Now you can add, rename,  delete...
WinSCP is designed for secure copying of files between a computer and servers Download WinSCP How to establish a connection via WinSCP Immediately after running the program, you will be proposed to create a connection. For this program we offer 2 options: to fill in the connection form fields  or  to use the settings file, which can be downloaded in the product control panel. Option -1:  Download and run WinSCP program. When filling in the form you should select  «FTP» transfer protocol, then fill...
If you have to perform a real-time file synchronization between Cloud Storage and a local machine, we recommend using the efficient Rclone utility. For Rclone program we suggest 2 connection methods: via the settings file and manually. In both cases you have to download the program and run it by using command line.  Download Rclone utility How to configure the work with Cloud Storage using Rclone Connection via settings file: Download and run the program  Launch the command line, go to rclone.exe...
The simplest way to use a cloud storage is to upload files in order to store and share them to  other users. However, there are more advanced options for using this service. For example, to store your sites backups. What is a website backup and why do you need it? Any system on the Internet is a subject to malicious risks. Among them there can be malicious hacker attacks, virus attacks, hardware failures or user errors, which happen quite often. There is no absolute protection against these risks...
Backups are needed not only for websites. Often it is necessary to save the operating system settings or backup the entire PC disks contents. For Windows OS this can be done via a simple Acronis utility. How to configure Windows OS backup in FoxCloud object storage with Acronis You can purchase Acronis program on the official website, download and run it on your computer. Download Acronis Now let's configure the backup. 1. In the program menu select «Backup» , your computer name and click «Change...
After activating FoxCloud Storage service you will get access to your cloud storage personal area.  How to place an order for cloud storage and start using it? From your personal area you can create data containers, that can be stored in various regions, and manage them. Foxcloud Storage makes it possible to place your data at your discretion: in Russia, Netherlands, USA or Moldova. You can choose a region located as close as possible to data users, and then the files download speed will increase...
What is Loadbalancer Octavia Loadbalancer Octavia   is a component of OpenStack that provides the ability to distribute network traffic among multiple virtual machines (VMs) or other endpoints in your OpenStack infrastructure. The load balancer can be used to distribute traffic between multiple instances of an application or service, improving performance, fault tolerance, and scalability of the system. The virtual instance that acts as the actual load balancer in Octavia is called an Amphora. It...
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